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4257 posts | Last Activity on 25-12-2024 07:55 by basscase
basscase 25-12-2024 07:55, 2 months ago
Re: Intonation
Hi, it is slightly "tedious" but I can assure you it is well worth being patient. Thereafter, if you always use the same make/gauge etc strings any future adjustments are minimal. Status basses are amazing and a dream to play.
Responded in Intonation
andre 17-03-2024 22:33, 12 months ago
Re: Circuit board schematics for a Status S2 ?
Posting for Mattheus:

"I bought a Status S2 a while back. The previous owner removed all electronics. I still had a defective circuit board from my S2000 and had it repaired by a luthier. He also put this in the S2. Now I see that it only uses a 9V battery, but of course that must be 2 batteries; so 18 volts.
Does anyone happen to have a schematic of the circuit board?
This is a Status S2 with only a volume, balance, bass and treble potentiometer. And a switch for turning active electronics on/off. No LED.
Thank you in advance!!”
papers 12-03-2024 00:22, 12 months ago
Re: Intonation
How do I go about doing the intonation on my Status? It looks like I have to loosen the grub screws and move the saddles with my fingers while the strings are loose then retune and test. It seems to be a tedious method or am I missing something? Any help appreciated.

Responded in Intonation
Galaxy 31-05-2023 04:33, 2 years ago
Re: Fingerboard radius KIngbass
Rob answered already:


It's 470mm (18" ).

Best regards, Rob Green.
Galaxy 30-05-2023 00:33, 2 years ago
Re: Fingerboard radius KIngbass
Does anybody know the fingerboard radius on the Kingbasses? And is that the radius Mark King uses?
whitewater 18-01-2023 00:47, 2 years ago
Re: Stringspacing 4/5 String "block" tuners
Hi folks,
just because we came across this subject in discussing classifieds in another forum ( if of interest), does anyone of you know for sure, if there had been custom string spacing options with the 20th century headless hardware?
I understand from flyers in the ressources section that with the tuners block and separate bridge opposite to the currently used per string tuner/bridge combos, all 4 Strings had 54mm overall 18mm between two strings and all 5 String models had 60mm overall / 15 mm between two strings.
Is there any known deviation from this rule or am I possibly mistaken and there is no such rule anyway?
Wombat 08-09-2022 08:09, 2 years ago
Re: Thumb nail damage to finish
My thumb/nail has rubbed the finish off where I rest it on the pickup (note to self - cut your nails more often! 🙄).

Facing Wood: Walnut
Back Wood: Utile
Veneer: Black
Finish: Polyurethane

Any suggestions on how I can a) stop it getting worse and/or b) repair it?
BPMWALDOCASTER 12-10-2021 11:37, 3 years ago
Re: Hyperactive Pickups
Hi Markus!
I have wondered the same. I had an early Stealth that was wood-cored, and had no truss rod. Probably a late 90's model. It too had pickups marked hyperactive, I believe. They sounded really good-- powerful and clear.
If I get an answer I'll post it here in reply. Sorry I do not know at this point.
Responded in Hyperactive Pickups
rologica 05-10-2021 21:34, 3 years ago
Re: Nylon Tapewounds on my Status Electro 4 5-string
Hi HandyAndy,

Thanks for your quick reply and photo infographic Wink. Back in 2010 I once had the Status Nylon Tapewounds on my Electro 4 5-string. Do you maybe know if these had the same thickness as the Labella's. They fitted just fine on bridge, nut and tuner.
handyandy 05-10-2021 05:58, 3 years ago
Re: Nylon Tapewounds on my Status Electro 4 5-string
I have an Electro 5 string fitted with Labella 750t-b White Nylon strings. These were fitted by the previous owner, they sound fantastic. Even volume across all strings and get better with age. However according to the previous owner, the B and E are too large to slot into the standard tuning pegs so he replaced them with Hipshot Ultralites which have larger slots. An expensive solution! (I've add a picture for comparison with my Energy pegs - the Electro is the one on the top. Not a great illustration but you might be able to see the size difference)
Hope this helps ...........[img][/img]
rologica 05-10-2021 03:47, 3 years ago
Re: Nylon Tapewounds on my Status Electro 4 5-string
I am thinking about getting Tapewounds on my fretted Status Electro 4 5-string.
Which brand and size would you think works and fits best, and why? Pfft

Thinking about the Labella 760N-B, don't why actually.
Markus 16-08-2021 22:17, 3 years ago
Re: Hyperactive Pickups
Hi all!
I own two Status basses, one is a 4-string Series 1 with bolt-on wooden neck and the other one is a 5-string Eclipe also with bolt-on wooden neck. The pickups on the series 1 have "hyperactive" printed thereon, while the pickups on the Eclipse say "Status", only.
I love the sound of the 4-string and bought the Eclipse expecting it to sound similar to the Series 1. However, having same strings and pickup height, the sound of the Series 1 is much crisper than the Eclipse.
Do you have an idea if the difference in sound is due to the larger mass of the 5-string neck or are the pickups different? I was hoping that the pickups / electronics are the same in both basses...
Any comments are appreciated.
Greetings from Germany!
Responded in Hyperactive Pickups
SLOW HAND 16-07-2021 02:06, 4 years ago
Re: Matrix Series I (V) Sounding Fuzzy when digging in
You probably need to replace the batteries Smile
ghost3005 11-07-2021 23:40, 4 years ago
Re: Matrix Series I (V) Sounding Fuzzy when digging in
Hi guys,
My Granddad bought my Matrix V back in 1993 (i know because i have the reciept), and i kind of inherited it after he passed. It is still in great condition, however when I play out on any string, it starts fuzzing/buzzing - both through my amp (GK MB110) and Interface (Scarlett 2i2). The bottom 2 strings are worse than the other 3, but all of them have this problem if I play any louder than quiet. The bass being active, I don't know if this problem has something to do with the batteries, or maybe with the pickups? Either way, any diagnosis/help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
pm 05-07-2021 00:39, 4 years ago
Re: Status 4000: Care, Maintenance, and Documentation
Concerning the battery...if you disconnect the plug out of the bass the battery is disconnected...but after years the battery is empty due to the normal discharging of the battery.
stbaldwi 02-07-2021 15:16, 4 years ago
Re: Status 4000: Care, Maintenance, and Documentation
Andre, Martthebass:
Many thanks for your advice/info.

Good stuff.
Best regards
Martthebass 14-06-2021 11:06, 4 years ago
Re: Status 4000: Care, Maintenance, and Documentation
I wouldn’t worry about the pickups, in general usage they should last the lifetime of the bass.
andre 12-05-2021 19:29, 4 years ago
Re: Status 4000: Care, Maintenance, and Documentation
Hello Steve,

Did you take a look at our other site

There is a spec sheet for the S4000 which may help here

I am sure other members will chip it to help.

stbaldwi 09-05-2021 10:06, 4 years ago
Re: Status 4000: Care, Maintenance, and Documentation
Hello Statii:
I am a new member, and I would confidently bet I am the worst bassist in the entire organisation.
I've just got my Status 4000 bass out of its case for the first time in years. A magnificent machine that really deserves a better owner...

My questions revolve around the specs for the guitar, and best practices for care and maintenance.
I bought it second-hand over two decades ago. It has no documentation. I'm not even sure what the controls do. [I have a Fender precision which is easy - just two knobs!]

I contacted Status who had no documentation on the bass either, and they pushed me in your direction!
If anyone out there can fill in any of these gaping gaps in my knowledge, I'd be delighted to hear from you.
What about the batteries for the pickups? It sounded pretty feeble after years of inactivity - but new batteries transformed everything. I presume the batteries should remain in-place? Or are they continually being connected/disconnected as the guitar is played or not played?

Basically anything anyone knows about the 4000 would be new to me. Thanks in advance!

On the subject of the Fender, that of course does not have battery pickups. But it too sounded quite feeble.
Pickups do not last forever do they? Any advice on pickup replacement/renewal? How long they last, recommendations for new ones...

Best regards
Jim 14-04-2021 02:16, 4 years ago
Re: Energy poti

Select Online Store, Spare Parts, Pots.... Wink

or Online Store, Active Circuits and the correct ones are listed against each circuit...
Responded in Energy poti
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