Looking good.
If the original preamp is the same as mine it'll have a pronounced bass boost with a treble control.
Should be a great sounding bass whatever preamp you put in!
I've not seen one of those before, I'm guessing:
Pickups to blend pot
Blend pot to volume
volume to preamp in
preamp out to jack plug
Is the preamp already connected to the tip pin on the output jack? That'll be the preamp out if it is. If not it'll be one of the loose wires.
The preamp in will probably be one of the loose wires unless it's already connected to a pin on the volume pot. If the output is already connected to the jack and the input is connected to the volume pot, maybe the loose wires are grounds?
Good luck trying to figure that one out!
> Is the preamp already connected to the tip pin on the output jack?
The potentiometer on right is connected to tip. It has a cap connected to gnd from one leg, just like a passive tone control. But there's no connection from pre-amp to either jack or this tone pot.
It may as well be that someone has messed with the wirings already...
One potentiometer is directly soldered on wiring board, I thought it to be master volume (could be treble as well?). Both loose wires may actually be grounds, since they are black. I may need to draw the schematic open to figure this one out.
Lost me already!
Good luck getting it connected up.
One side of the blend pot doesn't work, need to find a new one. Got it working however by soldering both pickups straight to pre. It sounded quite ok'is, but I only tried it shortly and went back to passive. It seems to me that this pre is just a buffer, there's no eq if you discount the tone pot.
In passive mode I noticed that it is louder with only neck pickup on. Both pickups fully on drops the output a bit and bridge pickup alone is quite weak. i wonder if it's due to the pickup placement or if there's something weird with my wiring or maybe the pots?
Didn't he do well. Fantastic job, well done.
Great job, that has to be most satisfying.