Wasburn S1000 pre-amp

Last updated on 5 years ago
Posted 5 years ago
Hello everyone!
I bought a Washburn S1000 a while back but it seems the pre-amp inside is gone so the battery is not connected to anything and it's just a simple volume-tone and blend pots that are there.
My question is - do I need to get a specific Washburn pre-amp or has anyone done a mod with any old kind of preamp?
I just fancy getting a bit of bite back in the old slap y'know?
Vheers for any help.
All the best - J :)
Junior Member
Posted 5 years ago
Check out the status website, in Online Shop / Active Circuits. They have everything still available. I know the Washburns had Status active electronics, from your description it would be similar to an old S1. If you e-mail or phone Status, then Rob or Dawn would be able to advise you as to what you would need, then after £150ish quid and a bit of soldering your bass will be slap-tastic :)
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