Thread subject: STATII.COM: For all things Status-Graphite :: J Pick ups
Posted by Danny on 23-03-2012 21:23
Before I go and get a new set, has anyone got any 5 string passive 'J' pick ups for sale? Seymours/Dimarzio's/EMG's?? For once the Status ones are very reasonably priced!! Just PM me if you have...Ta
Posted by Danny on 30-03-2012 19:56
Sorry, me again. I tried phoning Dawn for a day or two and just got answer phone, so it's over to you lot!
On the status website, am I right in seeing that the 5 string J pick ups are the same physical size as the 4 string version? If this is the case it's good news, I can just load them straight into my current gigging bad boy. I have seen variations in the Market, I know the bartolini will go straight in as will the Seymour Duncs so I imagine the Status's will.
Anyone know the output figures on them?
Posted by Jacko on 31-03-2012 01:13
Have you heard of delano pickups?
Posted by sprocket on 31-03-2012 12:22
\yep , Delano, Aero Instrument , SDG , Nordstrand comes to mind too .
Posted by Angry-Canuck on 31-03-2012 21:08
Danny wrote:
Sorry, me again. I tried phoning Dawn for a day or two and just got answer phone, so it's over to you lot!
On the status website, am I right in seeing that the 5 string J pick ups are the same physical size as the 4 string version? If this is the case it's good news, I can just load them straight into my current gigging bad boy. I have seen variations in the Market, I know the bartolini will go straight in as will the Seymour Duncs so I imagine the Status's will.
Anyone know the output figures on them?
Looking at pictures of 4 and 5 string Jazz basses, it seems the space covered by the strings relative to the pickup indicates a "one pickup fits all" size. The 4 string pickup seems to have a lot of wasted realty at either side of the end strings. However, the Status Graphite website seems to indicate there is specifically 4 or 5 string pickups :
"The 4-string pickups are a split-coil, hum-cancelling design .
The 5-string pickups are a single-coil design and are hum-cancelling when both pickups are working."
Posted by Danny on 31-03-2012 23:41
sprocket wrote:
\yep , Delano, Aero Instrument , SDG , Nordstrand comes to mind too .
Thanks guys, I have but I haven't checked them out.
As ever I am fairly loyal to status as the products are great and very competitively priced(apart from postage costs!) Rob never produces shite and would never put his name to them, even if the product is outsourced.
There does seem to be several designs out there, ones with 5 pole piece magnets, some with a magnet bar running the length of the pick up, some using different magnet material (cobalt?) and different winding specs to vary outputs. I think I will try the Status J's but the information on the site is a little bit non descriptive. I will try and phone again to try and ask Rob if he is packing 5 pole magnets into the 5 string J's.
Posted by sprocket on 01-04-2012 01:56
It s the same specs for 4 7 5 string PUs buddy
Posted by sprocket on 01-04-2012 02:00
As for the materials for the magnets , this is something else . You can have Alnico 2 , Al 5 , ceramic (louder than Al & cheaper too ) Cobalt Samarium magnets & so on , Aero Instrument uses Alnico 5 on their PUs ( Used by Fodera as an example ) , but @ the end , it s your tastes
Posted by sprocket on 01-04-2012 02:13
Woops , 4&5 string i meant
Posted by Danny on 01-04-2012 03:50
Lol I gathered! Didn't expect the market to be difficult to define, between the two specific string sets. The Bartolinis look great but very expensive and after all this is really just to ramp up the output of the bass without dragging preamps along to every gig. It worked for my other statii p bass, I put quarter pounders in that and it has huge fatness and volume, I just want to do the same on this bass!
Posted by sprocket on 01-04-2012 04:36
Well , if you like them & the price is right , you know them anyways , I ll go for them
Posted by Danny on 04-04-2012 06:11
Still searching at the moment, I have narrowed it down though to a few specific models, the Bartolini's, the Status and the Delano's. In fairness the Status are the most cost effective at £51 each making it £102 for a pair whereas the other two are around the £140-160 mark for a pair. There are some great European deals as there are American but it's that blasted import tax, I got stung before on a mic I bought. German websites offer some good prices on Delano's but not much saving. I did get through to Dawn but it's really a Rob thing so I am awaiting his response. Has anyone added some status pups to a stock bass before?
Posted by Jacko on 04-04-2012 22:15
if you want i can ask one of my bass builders in germany that are buying a lot of Delano if they have any in stock but you have to send me the model
Posted by Danny on 06-04-2012 19:51
I have pm'd you Jacko.
Rob replied, all be it short and sweet. Status 'j' pups use the blade magnet system, basically it is the length of the pup. I need to get this done very soon so I will have to make a decision. When I do the exchange I'll take some pictures of my soldering skills

(No foundry or welding pictures please guys)

Posted by Danny on 19-04-2012 05:15
So I eventually went Status, when all's said and done, you get a great product and a great service! Dawn called me today to say they are in the post, I will see what improvement they do to our old 'driftwood' p bass special! I will photograph the hatchet job and post it up, maybe even a sound test to compare!
Posted by Danny on 20-04-2012 06:13
Ok, lame, I didn't do enough pictures but you'll get the gist.
Iv'e kind of retired the S2 from the live work for a bit, it's had over a year on the road and I was getting fed up of near misses. So for now she's retired next to my Streamer! The look and sound of the band is a bit retro anyway and my Red Status necked P bass has been awesome. Last month I saw a 'Steal' a 5 string Esquire P bass special with Jazz Pups for £ done. The pick ups were shite and the output worse! So in a nut shell, here's how this afternoon started...

Followed by a bit of screening, to be redone when my copper tape gets here.

The difficulty in fitting the new Status ones was, although wiring diagrams are readily available most 'Fender' wires are black and white, the Status ones are red paper work comes with them, something I will address with Rob! It was pure guesswork from herein knowing what wires to solder. After a little persuasion with a chisel the bridge pup sat in sweet and off I soldered. By the way I was tempted with these as well as Delano, Bartolini's...these are by Q -Tuner, quite impressive.

So after some swearing and realising I hadn't recorded a comparison file for you all Doh! I finished with a minor earth hum that I attended to. Plugged in and an amazing tonal difference, very thick bottom, bright top. Very Status but missing the zing and resonance of the Graphite neck, but I'm well happy, going to gig the bad boy tomorrow night.

Posted by moo on 20-04-2012 06:22
Nice work buddy.

Posted by Danny on 20-04-2012 06:29
Thanks, hope I haven't offended any Status purists by joining the two in holy matrimony!

Posted by Angry-Canuck on 20-04-2012 08:24
Well done Danny!
P.S. I will forgive you based on the beer sent my way....
Posted by Danny on 25-04-2012 05:48
So, ok now the gig is done I can report no major mishaps. However, as good as the new pups sound, they're not very loud in output. Now this could possibly be some impedance type thing I know nothing about or maybe I need to upgrade the pots or remove the resistor thingy? I am over the moon with the tone still but really need to get the volume or output up. Any ideas, I could use a pedal preamp but I just kind of want to go straight in the amp.