Thread subject: STATII.COM: For all things Status-Graphite :: Hyperactive Pickups

Posted by Markus on 16-08-2021 22:17

Hi all! I own two Status basses, one is a 4-string Series 1 with bolt-on wooden neck and the other one is a 5-string Eclipe also with bolt-on wooden neck. The pickups on the series 1 have "hyperactive" printed thereon, while the pickups on the Eclipse say "Status", only. I love the sound of the 4-string and bought the Eclipse expecting it to sound similar to the Series 1. However, having same strings and pickup height, the sound of the Series 1 is much crisper than the Eclipse. Do you have an idea if the difference in sound is due to the larger mass of the 5-string neck or are the pickups different? I was hoping that the pickups / electronics are the same in both basses... Any comments are appreciated. Greetings from Germany! Markus