Serial numbers
Serial numbers and more
228 posts | Last Activity on 26-09-2019 20:51 by energy3542
energy3542 26-09-2019 20:51, 5 years ago
Re: dating my (beautiful) bass
Hi guys,would somebody kindly be of help?
I recently acquired a used beautiful bass and I would really appreciate if you could tell me what model it is and what is the year of construction. Information I can find on the catalogue section is not univocal, in my humble opinion. Mostly because I can't see a real difference between Empathy and Series 2.
The instrument has apparently 2 serial numbers: one is on the walnut central piece of body and it says "2477".
The other one is on a paper label and it says "0481922 - made in England".
No truss-rod is present in the graphite neck.
Picture attached.
Responded in dating my (beautiful) bass
haans 26-02-2019 03:59, 6 years ago
Re: T-Bass info?
I recently aquired a 1997 T-Bass SE, but finding reliable info is proving hard. Serial number is 97 SE 024. Does anyone know how many were made of the different models/finishes? This one is a natural flamed top.Responded in T-Bass info?
DEEDEE 05-02-2019 03:56, 6 years ago
Re: Dating a S2 Matrix
aarts wrote:
Wondering what the exact moment was that Rob started producing the S2 Matrix.
Cause when I peek at the catalogues section I find a French and English review, both from '91 about the introduction of headed basses. But on page 5 of Brochure 4 (which is from 1988) there is already a choice given between headless and headed. So now I'm a bit confused.
Btw: my S2 matrix has serial 104.
However I don't quite understand Rob's procedures, while there is an old warranty with the bass with all the specs of it, but........without the date of completion. Strange, isn't it???
I share your confusion. I'm just awaiting delivery of the one from luckylips that is currently on the for sale forum and trying to understand what was called what, when and why seems a bit of a minefield.
So far I seem to have established the following although I would welcome any more learned members to correct me:
When first introduced the headed options were initially signified by the ‘Matrix’ suffix so an S2 Matrix, Empathy Matrix etc.
The Matrix name was then used as a model name in its own right and so headed basses thereafter no longer had a different identifying suffix, they were just known as a S2, Empathy etc headed or headless.
Also, was it at this time that the 'cricket bat' wider graphite through body (i.e. visible from both sides) was discontinued or did they continue with an option of both the narrow and wider types of construction?
Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
Responded in Dating a S2 Matrix
aarts 28-11-2018 03:58, 6 years ago
Re: Dating a S2 Matrix
Wondering what the exact moment was that Rob started producing the S2 Matrix.Cause when I peek at the catalogues section I find a French and English review, both from '91 about the introduction of headed basses. But on page 5 of Brochure 4 (which is from 1988) there is already a choice given between headless and headed. So now I'm a bit confused.
Btw: my S2 matrix has serial 104.
However I don't quite understand Rob's procedures, while there is an old warranty with the bass with all the specs of it, but........without the date of completion. Strange, isn't it???
Responded in Dating a S2 Matrix
Garbo28 08-11-2018 04:39, 6 years ago
Re: Level 42 Anniversaery Bass EAN number
An EAN if I am correct is a type of barcode which is unique to a product and manufacturer? I don't think you get one of these unless you register with a barcode issuer and then you can buy a set of unique codes which are then specifically for your product (so when someone scans your Sony TV, the scanner wont say its a can of baked beans). I am pretty sure Status don't issue barcodes for their products, given each one is different (tone woods, headstock, facing woods etc) and an EAN code refers to a specific configuration. Otherwise they could start selling them at Sainsburys.... Now that would make the weekly shop more interesting Responded in Level 42 Anniversaery Bass EAN number
zionic 03-11-2018 20:50, 6 years ago
Re: Level 42 Anniversaery Bass EAN number
Can anyone tell me, what is the EAN number for an Amber Sunburst Level 42 Anniversary KING Bass?Cheers, Rad Paul
Responded in Level 42 Anniversaery Bass EAN number
moo 24-05-2016 08:03, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
stenobass wrote:
moo wrote:
Actually, Stefano had #269
Closest I can find to yours!
Yes, I had this nice bass! Here is a link to the post of that time...
LOVE that bass buddy!!
Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
stenobass 22-05-2016 21:37, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
moo wrote:
Actually, Stefano had #269
Closest I can find to yours!
Yes, I had this nice bass! Here is a link to the post of that time...
Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
channelkrelf 22-05-2016 12:14, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
Hi,would you like to sell #263?Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
moo 21-05-2016 23:32, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
enzo wrote:
moo wrote:
...apart from none of mine have the 'MADE IN ENGLAND' on the tuner assembly.
I'm sorry but that's crucial, all yours are probably built in China
Lob Gleen!
Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
enzo 21-05-2016 14:35, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
moo wrote:
...apart from none of mine have the 'MADE IN ENGLAND' on the tuner assembly.
I'm sorry but that's crucial, all yours are probably built in China
Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
moo 21-05-2016 05:56, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
Actually, Stefano had #269Closest I can find to yours!
Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
moo 21-05-2016 05:34, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
OK so she's a lovely Series II from either very late 1986 or early '87I have one with a slightly lower s/n that's exactly the same apart from none of mine have the 'MADE IN ENGLAND' on the tuner assembly.
Woods a tough one. Looks like a nice dark Walnut with a mahogany body.
I've never owned it and not sure I've seen it before (I keep pics of all the Status I see... Well, most of them, I do know what girls are!!!)
Very nice!
Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
Danny 20-05-2016 21:46, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
Very nice she is too!That's a keeper!Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
ghostwood 18-05-2016 20:45, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
Hi,Sorry, I thought I had, but not sure where its gone?!
Here are some more. I'd love to know anything about it's history.
Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
moo 18-05-2016 04:25, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
Post a picture old chap and we'll tell you everything you need to know!!!Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
ghostwood 16-05-2016 00:44, 9 years ago
Re: Series II - Serial No: 263
Can anyone help me?I'm the very proud owner of a Series II serial number 263.
As I have only had her for a little under a year and it being her 30th birthday this month (I'm led to believe) I'm interested in her history.
Does anyone have any background on her - original or previous owners, locations, etc. I'd be really grateful.
Responded in Series II - Serial No: 263
Bassmann 56 08-05-2016 07:49, 9 years ago
Re: Status
I request some help/information - I would like to know the year my new "used" status graphite bass S II, serial number 1302, is produced.Responded in Status
BLUNDERTHUMBS 19-04-2016 05:27, 9 years ago
Re: Status
No link to click on there buddy Responded in Status
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