What should I do?

Last updated on 9 years ago
Junior Member
Posted 9 years ago
The be honest, I'm not completely satisfied with the color of my SII bass. It has a Bubinga top with a high gloss finish.

I'm considering to sand it down completely and give it a matt finish It now looks like the picture below:


Hoping to make it like the one below:

What do you guy think of this? Are there risks (btw: it will be carried out by a professional luthier)

I've seen nice pics of matt bubinga and matt carbon.

I appriciate all of your opinions
- Status Graphite S2 Matrix 5-string #104,
- Yamaha TRB5
- MarkBass CMD102P
Posted 9 years ago
Unless you ABSOLUTELY know what you're doing, do not attempt that on your own.

You will ruin a beautiful bass. Personally I think it looks 1,000 times better full gloss but that's a personal opinion and has little relevance.

It's a stunning old bass. You're going to struggle swapping it because you're limiting your options. I would suggest just selling it and finding something new that suits you!
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Posted 9 years ago
I agree with MOO, get a professional or send it back to Status, or as advised...sell it and get a matt one!
The gloss will go right round or is the idea to do sides and back too?
Too risky IMHO.
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