Statii Album cover

Last updated on 16 years ago
Veteran Member
Posted 16 years ago


stratty wrote:
i appreciate everyones hard work in the design of the album cover but isn't the music more important than what the album cover looks like its not exactly going on sale on itunes for the whole world to buy is it or has someone got other ideas? youngjr1!


The music is definitely first. But for the final vote-in and post-production, its pretty much a done deal though. The rest of us nitpicking-womanly-no-talents have to have something to do:)
Posted 16 years ago
Right so that's it!!

It'd down to Todd and then whoever is able to help with the actual design creation can do so with our gratitude!!


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Veteran Member
Posted 16 years ago
i appreciate everyones hard work in the design of the album cover but isn't the music more important than what the album cover looks like its not exactly going on sale on itunes for the whole world to buy is it or has someone got other ideas? youngjr1!

Kingbass Black beauty
Kingbass Black beauty para
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Edited by strattybass on 26-11-2008 13:11, 16 years ago
Veteran Member
Posted 16 years ago
Personally I think my idea was the absolute best and greatest piece of work ever produced in the history of mankind, so will therefore be using it and F%@# all to anything someone else comes up with. I was an art major at University so I know best!:D

Seriously though, I'm looking forward to seeing what the talent from this forum comes up with. And really, since this is going to be a digital album (and even if it isn't) in this day and age if people don't like the album cover artwork, then they can just make and print their own. I'm all for seeing several different ideas, then just letting Todd and Andre decide...both as a way to simplify any bitchin' and moaning, and because they've been putting so much effort into it.
Posted 16 years ago
I am really excited about the great ideas coming through the pipline here. Lets not lose focus on the fact that this is "our baby". I have to say I am not the type of person who has patients with long lasting polls and dragged on commitee decisions. I prefer to DO rather than discuss doing.
Having said that, everyone has their own level of expertise. There are some fantastic talents in this community in many regards, that we are lucky we can tap into. I know that both Darren and Keith are very busy and I really appreciate the efforts made to contribute to this project.
Lets see what we can come up with mutually, and take it from there.
The problem I am discovering with these polls is that there is an apparent lack of involvement and often subjective criticism.
Sorry to sound Stalonisitic, but for the sake of getting things done, there has to be decisions made. Lets just get on with getting this project and into a finished product that we can ALL stand behind.
Cheers B)
4 Asians, 2 Brits, 1 French and also some basses
Darren GoldsmithDarren Goldsmith
Senior Member
Posted 16 years ago


treebark55 wrote:
I apologize for being a kibitzer.

Don't be daft... :)
Status Series II - #397
Jonas Hellborg Signature
King Bass Prototype #1
King Bass Prototype #2
King Bass MkII Prototype #002 (The Stuttgart Bass)
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Posted 16 years ago
I apologize for being a kibitzer.
Darren GoldsmithDarren Goldsmith
Senior Member
Posted 16 years ago
No worries moo... I'll always help out where I can. :) Hopefully what's there so far will provide some kind of springboard.

Keith - it's the usual '"clients, can't live with 'em - can't live without 'em scenario"; but yeah, I've also managed, over the years, to deal with compromises where required and kick out the absolute nightmares. My existing stable is pretty cool now... and I have enough miles on the clock to not take any rubbish from new clients who want to hire me for my skills and experience but, oddly, think they can do it better themselves.
Status Series II - #397
Jonas Hellborg Signature
King Bass Prototype #1
King Bass Prototype #2
King Bass MkII Prototype #002 (The Stuttgart Bass)
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Posted 16 years ago

I know exactly what you mean. Design by committee is a nightmare. Clients always have an 'opinion', because they did 'art' at school, which, of course gives them an insightful authority on brand positioning. How often do people go to their accountants and tell them how to do their accounts, because they did maths at school?

Over the years, thankfully, I have weeded out the clients who "know better" and most of mine now, largely appreciate what you do and realise that if they leave you to do what you do best, what they want communicated will be done far more effectively than with "can we have it pink please" will ever get.

Anyway, I will try to fit something in tomorrow morning before he phones start ringing.


Posted 16 years ago


Darren Goldsmith wrote:
As I say, I prefer the abstract stuff... really not keen on literal design. But if people want a bit more 'bass' then I say go for it! I literally did this in 15 mins, this afternoon... a simple plane and sphere with a library material, rendered in 3D... a bit of comping in Photoshop. Just to get the ball rolling really...

I'm actually way too busy to spend any more time on it myself... and I'm not that keen on design by committee either (or Polls!), which is how I can see this going. No offence folks but I get that every day in my real job. I'm sure Keith will come up with something cool and suitable though... :)


You're time and input is very much appreciated. Thanks buddy!

I personally think you're right about too many polls and 'voting'. I'm lucky in my business life everyone does what I suggest (guess that's why I'm broke).

I think this should be down to Todd. He's the driving force behind the album, he should have the final 'design' input for whomever is creating the cover art.
Strata #05 - Status Series II #94 - Status Series II #147 - Status Series II #230 - Status Series II #487 - Status Series II 5 string #58 - Status Series 2000 #106 - Status Series 2000 #327 (FPPR) - Status Empathy #2009 ’93 - Status Empathy 5 string '95 - Status King Bass '06 moo wood - Status King Bass '07 moo wood fretless - Alembic MK Sig Deluxe '88 - Alembic Inside Out Brown Bass ’11 - JayDee Series I 'Starchild' '08 - JayDee Series I Cherry Red ’19 - Sei Bass Flamboyant - Sei Bass Flamboyant Offset - Ibanez SR2600 ’18 - Ibanez SRMS 805 ’19 - Ibanez SR1405 ’19 - Vigier Passion Series I #623 '88 - Vigier Arpege Series II #249 '84 - Vigier Arpege Series III #088 '86 - Shuker Custom Series 2 ‘08 - Warwick Thumb 4 TN '89
Darren GoldsmithDarren Goldsmith
Senior Member
Posted 16 years ago
As I say, I prefer the abstract stuff... really not keen on literal design. But if people want a bit more 'bass' then I say go for it! I literally did this in 15 mins, this afternoon... a simple plane and sphere with a library material, rendered in 3D... a bit of comping in Photoshop. Just to get the ball rolling really...

I'm actually way too busy to spend any more time on it myself... and I'm not that keen on design by committee either (or Polls!), which is how I can see this going. No offence folks but I get that every day in my real job. I'm sure Keith will come up with something cool and suitable though... :)
Status Series II - #397
Jonas Hellborg Signature
King Bass Prototype #1
King Bass Prototype #2
King Bass MkII Prototype #002 (The Stuttgart Bass)
Edited by Darren Goldsmith on 26-11-2008 07:23, 16 years ago
Posted 16 years ago
Very nice stuff Darren! With a bit of tweaking you could have something great there !
Senior Member
Posted 16 years ago


special-boy wrote:

Graphite is the core of status, but so is their playability, so I was going to take a shot of the back of a neck and, like you give it an abstract feel.

This seems the right approach to me.
Posted 16 years ago


Darren Goldsmith wrote:
keith is right… good design, as ever, is about simplicity and communication. I’m not sure how the artwork for the album is to be produced (CD cover, PDF booklet etc.) but to my mind, the design should be about the thing that links virtually all Status basses… the graphite. With that in mind (and not wanting to tread on keith's toes), I envisage this:

It’s not finished… just a quickie concept for now. It’s a lot more abstract than some of the ideas here but potentially more striking as a result.

I think that's nice mate BUT I think there should be a bit of bass on there too!!
Strata #05 - Status Series II #94 - Status Series II #147 - Status Series II #230 - Status Series II #487 - Status Series II 5 string #58 - Status Series 2000 #106 - Status Series 2000 #327 (FPPR) - Status Empathy #2009 ’93 - Status Empathy 5 string '95 - Status King Bass '06 moo wood - Status King Bass '07 moo wood fretless - Alembic MK Sig Deluxe '88 - Alembic Inside Out Brown Bass ’11 - JayDee Series I 'Starchild' '08 - JayDee Series I Cherry Red ’19 - Sei Bass Flamboyant - Sei Bass Flamboyant Offset - Ibanez SR2600 ’18 - Ibanez SRMS 805 ’19 - Ibanez SR1405 ’19 - Vigier Passion Series I #623 '88 - Vigier Arpege Series II #249 '84 - Vigier Arpege Series III #088 '86 - Shuker Custom Series 2 ‘08 - Warwick Thumb 4 TN '89
Darren GoldsmithDarren Goldsmith
Senior Member
Posted 16 years ago


special-boy wrote:


Darren Goldsmith wrote:
keith is right… good design, as ever, is about simplicity and communication. I’m not sure how the artwork for the album is to be produced (CD cover, PDF booklet etc.) but to my mind, the design should be about the thing that links virtually all Status basses… the graphite. With that in mind (and not wanting to tread on keith's toes), I envisage this:

It’s not finished… just a quickie concept for now. It’s a lot more abstract than some of the ideas here but potentially more striking as a result.


Definitely no toes trodden on here - after all I haven't had time to do anything as yet.

I completely agree with your approach and that is exactly the path I'd have gone down - using the graphite as it crystalises what status is, as distinct from other basses. However, I would have made it a bit more specific and used actual graphite from an actual status. I will try to get something done tomorrow morning to give you an idea of my take on it. Graphite is the core of status, but so is their playability, so I was going to take a shot of the back of a neck and, like you give it an abstract feel. As I say, I like the approach you have taken, but I just think it needs more context. At the risk of being critical (hopefully constructively so), my only comment would be that your visual could look a bit too generic. It looks just a bit too library stock shot. Anyway, I'll have a crack tomorrow morning. I guess the more ideas we can throw into the pot, the more we will get closer to something everyone is happy with. Hope I have not trodden on your toes by return.



Hi Keith

You're right... mine is just a very quick scene set-up... I used a library material in my 3D app. (Modo) too so I know it's not the 'correct' graphite in that sense. And don't worry, no toes trodden here either. :)

Design is a process... and terribly subjective - my clients don't necessarily agree but then they're paying, so compromise wins every time! I personally prefer the abstract but I agree some context would be good also... as long as it's not too literal. Look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Status Series II - #397
Jonas Hellborg Signature
King Bass Prototype #1
King Bass Prototype #2
King Bass MkII Prototype #002 (The Stuttgart Bass)
Veteran Member
Posted 16 years ago
i can feel another poll coming on, there seems a few people have different ideas so members of the forum can vote for the best one which is the fairest way to find the best one !!

Kingbass Black beauty
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Posted 16 years ago


Darren Goldsmith wrote:
keith is right… good design, as ever, is about simplicity and communication. I’m not sure how the artwork for the album is to be produced (CD cover, PDF booklet etc.) but to my mind, the design should be about the thing that links virtually all Status basses… the graphite. With that in mind (and not wanting to tread on keith's toes), I envisage this:

It’s not finished… just a quickie concept for now. It’s a lot more abstract than some of the ideas here but potentially more striking as a result.


Definitely no toes trodden on here - after all I haven't had time to do anything as yet.

I completely agree with your approach and that is exactly the path I'd have gone down - using the graphite as it crystalises what status is, as distinct from other basses. However, I would have made it a bit more specific and used actual graphite from an actual status. I will try to get something done tomorrow morning to give you an idea of my take on it. Graphite is the core of status, but so is their playability, so I was going to take a shot of the back of a neck and, like you give it an abstract feel. As I say, I like the approach you have taken, but I just think it needs more context. At the risk of being critical (hopefully constructively so), my only comment would be that your visual could look a bit too generic. It looks just a bit too library stock shot. Anyway, I'll have a crack tomorrow morning. I guess the more ideas we can throw into the pot, the more we will get closer to something everyone is happy with. Hope I have not trodden on your toes by return.


Veteran Member
Posted 16 years ago
very nice!

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Posted 16 years ago
thats brill darren!!
Kingbass Black beauty
Kingbass Black beauty para
GB rumour
line 6 helix
TC Electronic Effects
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tc 2x10 cab
Posted 16 years ago


Darren Goldsmith wrote:
keith is right… good design, as ever, is about simplicity and communication. I’m not sure how the artwork for the album is to be produced (CD cover, PDF booklet etc.) but to my mind, the design should be about the thing that links virtually all Status basses… the graphite. With that in mind (and not wanting to tread on keith's toes), I envisage this:

It’s not finished… just a quickie concept for now. It’s a lot more abstract than some of the ideas here but potentially more striking as a result.

Very nice work Darren!
4 Asians, 2 Brits, 1 French and also some basses
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